To be informed of upcoming screening dates of the film Uncommon Sense: The Life and Work of Laurie Baker in your city and country, and to get notifications when the film and upcoming Baker book are available for purchase please provide your email address. You will be added to the Baker Mailing List. To request a screening email lauriebakerfilm[at)gmail(d0t)com

Please read the notes below first. Thank you. You will be speaking with Vineet Radhakrishnan, Laurie Baker's grandson

Contributions/Suggestions: If you would like to contribute any material which you feel can be included on the site please email me the article/entry. If accepted it will be added to the Contributions from Friends section. If you have any comments, suggestions or feedback please use add to the email.

Publication/Image Requests: Please keep in mind several of the images on the site are very old and may not be available in hi-res format if you are making a request for any photo from the website for print publication purposes. Please note that all images and text on the website are copyrighted and you will need explicit permission before using any content in any form of publication.

Visits to The Hamlet: Please note that "The Hamlet" is currently closed for public viewing as it is being renovated. You will be able to see the house only from the outside as of now. The site will be updated as soon as the renovation is complete.

Requests for internships/Research information/Jobs: Please note this website is run by the Baker family and we are not a commercial institution nor are any of us architects. Therefore we are unable to help with job/internship requests.

Requests for cost estimate or designs to build a house: Please note this website is run by the Baker family and we are not a commercial institution nor are any of us architects. Therefore we are unable to help with job/internship requests.

Anything else not covered: Please do write in !

You can do this by emailing : v i n  e e t r a d h a k r i s h n a n (a t) g m a il . c o m    (Please remove all the spaces between my first and last name and add ie - the format is This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. This is to ensure only valid emails come in and spam bots don't fill up the email inbox)

Or you can leave a message on the official FB page: